Let's Get you Started on the Right Foot
Upon creating your account with Switch, you may have noticed that your reliability score appears as "N/A." Not to worry, this is completely normal!
Your Reliability Score will remain as "N/A" until you have completed five shifts. After your fifth shift, your Reliability Score will be visible. This score reflects your reliability and performance as a Provider on the Switch Platform, calculated by dividing the cumulative score earned for each shift worked by the total number of shifts completed. Factors such as punctuality, attendance, and the quality of your work are taken into consideration.
Starting off, you may not have many shifts contributing to your score, so it is crucial to perform well from the beginning. Being punctual, completing tasks efficiently and accurately, and maintaining a positive attitude will help you earn more points on each shift, thus quickly increasing your Reliability Score and showcasing your proficiency and reliability as a healthcare Provider.
Remember, your Reliability Score is an average of all shifts worked in the past 26 weeks, ensuring a fair assessment of your overall performance and accounting for any temporary setbacks or exceptional circumstances. While building a solid Reliability Score may take time, consistent dedication and effort will help you achieve this goal.
In summary, the Reliability Score is a significant metric that highlights your reliability and performance as a healthcare professional. By consistently delivering high-quality work, you can steadily improve your score and enhance your reputation within the Switch community.
Keep up the great work and aim for excellence in every shift you undertake!