Switch makes it a breeze to bid on multiple shifts with fewer clicks
In this article, you will learn how to bid on shifts at a facility which are created as recurring shifts.
What is a Recurring Shift?
A recurring shift is a pattern or sequence intentionally created by the facility to promote continuity of care. It empowers the facility to confirm the same provider for the same shift time, rather than having multiple individuals picking up individual shifts. This improves patient care outcomes by having a consistent healthcare provider day in and day out.
How do I know if a Shift is a Recurring Shift?
You can see that a shift is recurring by looking for the 🔁 icon on a shift card. In the image below, the first shift card does not have the recurring image icon, whereas the second shift card does have the icon.
Steps for Bidding on a Recurring Shift
When clicking on a shift card with a Recurring Shift Icon, you will then see a dialogue box indicating:
- The start and end date for the recurring shift pattern.
- How many shifts are available to bid on.
If you chose "Select Shifts to Bid On," a calendar will appear allowing you to select the day(s) out of the recurring sequence. By default, all of the available shifts in the recurring sequence are displayed by the teal colored dates. Shifts in the sequence that have already been filled are indicated with a 'slash' and are not open for bids.
Assuming you want to do not want to bid on all of the shifts in the recurring sequence, deselect the days you do not want to bid on. For example, in the image below, the shifts on the 20th and 29th were de-selected, which are now shown in light orange. The days colored in teal (the 21st and 30th) are the shifts selected to bid on.
After submitting the shifts you wish to bid on, you will receive a message confirming your bid on the recurring shifts. Note that the shift time, dates, and total bid amount are displayed.
For bidding on single, PRN shifts, read this article.
What happens after you've bid on a recurring shift?
The facility will be notified that you have submitted a bid on a recurring shift. While a facility has the incentive to accept all of your bids at once in order to ensure continuity of care, they do have the option of accepting some of them or none of them.
Viewing Pending Bids on Recurring Shifts
You can easily view all your bids - both for recurring shifts and PRN shifts - under the bids tab in your Calendar screen. Bids that are listed as Open have not been approved or rejected by the facility. Click here for more information on reviewing, updating, or withdrawing open bids.
Additional Questions:
Do I have to bid on all the shifts in a recurring sequence?
No, you do not have to bid on all of the shifts in a recurring sequence.
Is my bid the same rate across all shifts?
Yes, your bid rate will be the same across all shifts that you bid on in a recurring sequence. If you want to bid different amounts on a part of the recurring sequence, you would need to submit two separate bids. For instance, you may see a M-F 6a-2p shift that is on the schedule for 4-weeks. You could submit a bid for the first 2-weeks at $18/hr and a bid for the second 2-weeks for $19/hr. The facility would receive and review each bid separately.
TIP: The more shifts you bid on within a recurring sequence, the higher the likelihood that your bid will be accepted by the facility!